"Your well-being is our priority"
Enquiries: 01793610016
Our Contingencies Measures
We recognise the need to have a separate pandemic recovery plan and procedure. This is because a general continuity recovery plan focuses on a short-term recovery programme. In contrast, the effects of the pandemic could last many months.
We have implemented the following measures:
A communications strategy will be developed to ensure that staff, service users and their families are provided with up-to-date and accurate information on the status of the pandemic and on our response
Every effort will be made to provide the information to service users in a format that they can understand. We recognise that the current crisis will be upsetting and worrying for service users and relatives.
Information will be provided to staff via e-mail and mobile phone including Skype where practical and unnecessary face-to-face meetings will be cancelled — where meetings are held social distancing will be observed.
Training will utilise online e-learning and other electronic forms where possible — any face-to-face training will be conducting conforming to social distancing rules.
Our leave and absence policies will be continuously reviewed as the status of the pandemic changes, for instance, it may become necessary to cancel leave in case of serious short-staffing.
Staff will be informed of any additional measures to limit the spread of disease in a pandemic situation — this might include:
– avoiding unnecessary travel
– cancellation of face-to-face meetings
– plans to reduce the impact of absentees
– working from home where possible for managers and office staff
– systems to lessen the impact of supply chain disruption.
Essential services will be prioritised.
Advice will be provided for vulnerable service users on steps to take to protect themselves.
Care plans will be reviewed to identify service users most at risk in case of service disruption.
As a contingency measure, staff will be cross-trained in various functions to ensure that adequate cover is provided in different roles should sickness rates rise.
Staff who perform roles that can be done from home will be encouraged to.
The management of Merit Healthcare will link with any local forums and hubs relevant to health and social care provision and keep up to date with local developments.
Line managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that our staff understand our pandemic recovery plan policy and procedure.
The procedure aims to ensure that we will be able to continue to provide care to our service users during any disruption caused by the current pandemic.